Diploma in Electrical Engineering
The Electrical Engineering Diploma is designed to prepare competent professionals for careers in management in the corporate sector and in public sector organizations. The courses provide a generalized perspective which enables students to view the organization in a holistic manner as well as place it in the context of the larger environment. The students are also trained in technical and functional business skills in respect to the areas.
Diploma Objectives
After graduation from the Electrical Engineering Diploma, graduates will:
Successfully practice electrical engineering to serve state and regional industries, government agencies, or national and international industries.
Work professionally in one or more of the following areas: analog electronics, digital electronics, communication systems, signal processing, control systems, and computer-based systems.
Achieve personal and professional success with awareness and commitment to their ethical and social responsibilities, both as individuals and in team environments.
Maintain and improve their technical competence through lifelong learning, including entering and succeeding in an advanced degree program in a field such as engineering, science, or business.
Unit Names
Electrical and Electronic Principles
Electrical Systems and Fault Finding
Instrumentation and Control Systems
Renewable Energy
Shared Unit - Computer Applications
Shared Unit - Project Management